When PMing Turns into Babysitting
The client wanted me to communicate with everyone what had happened. What went down was a slow-motion train wreck in 4k.
When PMing Turns into Babysitting
Mental Health Mondays: Why We Need to Talk About What Your Employees Are Feeling
Gaps, Bridges, Just-The-Tip, and New Kinks: Why Only Going Half-Way Will Fuck You
Managerial Moments with Mike | The Illusion of Success: The Fallacy of a Unified Façade
Letters From the Readers | Hostile Take Overs, and Passion Plays
Kvetching Corner | We Are Not Family, Because I Actually Like You People
The Joys of Getting Lost | The Epistles of Christina
Getting in Touch with Your Creative Side | Managerial Moments with Mike
Sincere Apologies to Abraham Maslow | The Epistles of Christina
Your Project Team Sucks: Part 5 | The Perfect Hire: Listen All Y’all It’s Self-Sabotage